gene inspector
presentation capabilities
Gene Inspector's notebook is effectively used to track experiments and discuss results - but with the graphic and layout capabilities, it also becomes a valuable tool for designing posters and presentations. The notebook layout can be changed to any dimension containing any number of text columns per sheet so your experimental results can be readily converted into a poster, slide, or manuscript figure.
Arrows and other graphic objects can be placed in the notebook to highlight critical points, like the peaks on the transmembrane helix, or a candidate open reading frame of a codon preference plot. Different backgrounds can be defined for output objects and frames (with or without shadows) can be added. Images from other sources, such as scanned gel images, or cloning strategies copied from a Gene Construction Kit illustration can be pasted into the notebook page for reference.
The background text in a Gene Inspector notebook can be "styled" as conditional text and then either shown or hidden. Thus, only the text you want to see will be shown when making the illustration. This enables the Gene Inspector notebook to serve as a daily workbook and also to be used as a presentation tool.