West Lebanon, NH 4|10|06
Vector NTI customers, welcome to Textco BioSoftware, where we’ve been supporting our customers for over 20 years…
Maintenance updates – ALWAYS provided at NO additional charge
Technical support – ALWAYS provided at NO additional charge
On-going licenses – NO expiration for our single-computer licenses
Courteous service – You can count on
Now you can purchase each Gene Construction Kit® 2.5 single-computer license (GCK) with up to a 70% discount – with Vector NTI Proof of Purchase*
Your discount price for each GCK 2.5 license:
Academic – $599 usd (includes free upgrade to GCK 3.0 when released)
Government – $649 usd (includes free upgrade to GCK 3.0 when released)
Commercial – $899 usd (includes upgrade to GCK 3.0 when released)
[Offer subject to change after 12/31/06]
(GCK 3.0 in development – see more information below)
To place an order, or for more information contact –
Institutional Purchase Orders and VISA/MasterCard accepted by phone, Fax, or email with valid Proof-of-Purchase*.
* Valid proof of purchase is your original Vector NTI CD with Serial number
– or –
Vector NTI original Invoice with Serial number.
* Limit one offer per serial number.
Mailing address:
Textco BioSoftware, Inc.
27 Gilson Road
West Lebanon, NH 03784 USA
GCK version 3.0 will have a number of improvements and new features including:
PCR Analysis
GCK will support PCR analysis and also model PCR amplification. PCR analysis is initiated by selecting the DNA segment to be amplified, choosing the PCR Analysis menu item, and defining amplification parameters (or accepting the default values). Potential primers are evaluated and a list of the best presented to you. You may then select one or more primer pairs to be added as features to the construct. You may subsequently select a pair of primers to highlight the associated DNA segment, which can then be added to a new construct document through a simple copy and paste procedure – it should prove quite useful!
Shotgun Cloning
You’ve done it often in the lab, but now you can do it in your computer as well. Select a DNA segment to be shotgun cloned, specify an enzyme to digest the DNA, and specify a vector into which you want to insert the digested DNA fragment. GCK3 will do the rest automatically and generate all of the fragments, insert them into the vector at the appropriate location, and create all of the new constructs in a folder that you specify. This is a great way to determine the best approach to subcloning a fragment of DNA.
Database searching
There are many sites on the Internet that allow you to search for DNA, protein, or key word matches, yet each of those sites seems to have a different interface and parameters for initiating the search. GCK3’s DB Search function takes the drudgery out of this process by allowing you to enter the query information once, specify the databases you’d like to search, and then submit a single search. GCK will take care of formatting the query correctly for each database and then submit them for you. Results are collated and returned in your favorite web browser as if you had directly submitted the individual searches yourself at each web site. This is an innovative way to give you comprehensive searching capabilities with an intuitive consistent interface for all databases.
About Textco BioSoftware
Textco BioSoftware, Inc. (formerly Textco, Inc.), located in West Lebanon, New Hampshire, has been serving the software needs of molecular biologists for over 20 years – since 1984. Textco’s mission is to provide high quality, intuitive software to assist molecular biologists in their research efforts. Textco has provided its solutions to scientists residing in more than 50 countries worldwide, engaged in genetic engineering research, drug development, and biotechnology.
Special Trade-in Offer for Vector NTI Customers
Special Trade-in Offer for Vector NTI Customers
West Lebanon, NH 4|10|06
Vector NTI customers, welcome to Textco BioSoftware, where we’ve been supporting our customers for over 20 years…
Maintenance updates – ALWAYS provided at NO additional charge
Technical support – ALWAYS provided at NO additional charge
On-going licenses – NO expiration for our single-computer licenses
Courteous service – You can count on
Now you can purchase each Gene Construction Kit® 2.5 single-computer license (GCK) with up to a 70% discount – with Vector NTI Proof of Purchase*
Your discount price for each GCK 2.5 license:
Academic – $599 usd (includes free upgrade to GCK 3.0 when released)
Government – $649 usd (includes free upgrade to GCK 3.0 when released)
Commercial – $899 usd (includes upgrade to GCK 3.0 when released)
[Offer subject to change after 12/31/06]
(GCK 3.0 in development – see more information below)
To place an order, or for more information contact –
Brant Hackett; 480-241-9121 or
Roberta Gross; 603-643-1471
Institutional Purchase Orders and VISA/MasterCard accepted by phone, Fax, or email with valid Proof-of-Purchase*.
* Valid proof of purchase is your original Vector NTI CD with Serial number
– or –
Vector NTI original Invoice with Serial number.
* Limit one offer per serial number.
Mailing address:
Textco BioSoftware, Inc.
27 Gilson Road
West Lebanon, NH 03784 USA
GCK version 3.0 will have a number of improvements and new features including:
PCR Analysis
GCK will support PCR analysis and also model PCR amplification. PCR analysis is initiated by selecting the DNA segment to be amplified, choosing the PCR Analysis menu item, and defining amplification parameters (or accepting the default values). Potential primers are evaluated and a list of the best presented to you. You may then select one or more primer pairs to be added as features to the construct. You may subsequently select a pair of primers to highlight the associated DNA segment, which can then be added to a new construct document through a simple copy and paste procedure – it should prove quite useful!
Shotgun Cloning
You’ve done it often in the lab, but now you can do it in your computer as well. Select a DNA segment to be shotgun cloned, specify an enzyme to digest the DNA, and specify a vector into which you want to insert the digested DNA fragment. GCK3 will do the rest automatically and generate all of the fragments, insert them into the vector at the appropriate location, and create all of the new constructs in a folder that you specify. This is a great way to determine the best approach to subcloning a fragment of DNA.
Database searching
There are many sites on the Internet that allow you to search for DNA, protein, or key word matches, yet each of those sites seems to have a different interface and parameters for initiating the search. GCK3’s DB Search function takes the drudgery out of this process by allowing you to enter the query information once, specify the databases you’d like to search, and then submit a single search. GCK will take care of formatting the query correctly for each database and then submit them for you. Results are collated and returned in your favorite web browser as if you had directly submitted the individual searches yourself at each web site. This is an innovative way to give you comprehensive searching capabilities with an intuitive consistent interface for all databases.
About Textco BioSoftware
Textco BioSoftware, Inc. (formerly Textco, Inc.), located in West Lebanon, New Hampshire, has been serving the software needs of molecular biologists for over 20 years – since 1984. Textco’s mission is to provide high quality, intuitive software to assist molecular biologists in their research efforts. Textco has provided its solutions to scientists residing in more than 50 countries worldwide, engaged in genetic engineering research, drug development, and biotechnology.