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53hentry p1 post publish author-textco-biosoftware category-gene-inspector-tutorials tag-dna-sequence-analysis-software tag-e-lab-notebook tag-gene-inspector tag-gene-inspector-tutorials tag-molecular-biology-notebook tag-protein-sequence-analysis-software tag-track-molecular-biology-experiments tag-tutorials comments-open pings-open y2009 m12 d23 h03 slug-tutorial-tour-of-a-gene-inspector-notebook 50hentry p2 post publish author-textco-biosoftware category-gene-construction-kit-tutorial tag-biological-database-search tag-gene-construction-kit tag-gene-construction-kit-tutorials tag-go tag-kegg tag-omim tag-pdb tag-pubmed tag-scop tag-swisprot tag-tutorials comments-open pings-open y2009 m12 d23 h03 alt slug-tutorial-database-searching 48hentry p3 post publish author-textco-biosoftware category-gene-construction-kit-tutorial tag-gene-construction-kit tag-gene-construction-kit-tutorials tag-shotgun-cloning tag-tutorials comments-open pings-open y2009 m12 d23 h03 slug-tutorial-shotgun-cloning 46hentry p4 post publish author-textco-biosoftware category-gene-construction-kit-tutorial tag-gene-construction-kit tag-gene-construction-kit-tutorials tag-pcr tag-pcr-primer-analysis tag-pcr-primer-prediction tag-polymerase-chain-reaction tag-tutorials comments-open pings-open y2009 m12 d23 h03 alt slug-tutorial-pcr-analysis 44hentry p5 post publish author-textco-biosoftware category-gene-construction-kit-tutorial tag-exon tag-gene-construction-kit tag-gene-construction-kit-tutorials tag-intron tag-protein-coding-region tag-translation tag-tutorials comments-open pings-open y2009 m12 d23 h03 slug-tutorial-translating-across-introns 42hentry p6 post publish author-textco-biosoftware category-gene-construction-kit-tutorial tag-genbank-accession-number tag-genbank-import tag-genbank-retrieve tag-genbank-search tag-gene-construction-kit tag-gene-construction-kit-tutorials tag-tutorials comments-open pings-open y2009 m12 d23 h03 alt slug-tutorial-searching-and-retrieving-sequence-files-from-genbank 40hentry p7 post publish author-textco-biosoftware category-gene-construction-kit-tutorial tag-genbank-conversion tag-genbank-import tag-gene-construction-kit tag-gene-construction-kit-tutorials tag-tutorials comments-open pings-open y2009 m12 d23 h03 slug-tutorial-importing-genbank-sequencing-files-using-deluxe-importing 38hentry p8 post publish author-textco-biosoftware category-gene-construction-kit-tutorial tag-gene-construction-kit tag-gene-construction-kit-tutorials tag-sequence-export-formats tag-sequence-import-formats tag-tutorials comments-open pings-open y2009 m12 d23 h03 alt slug-tutorial-importing-and-exporting-sequences-and-other-information 36hentry p9 post publish author-textco-biosoftware category-gene-construction-kit-tutorial tag-gene-construction-kit tag-gene-construction-kit-tutorials tag-generic-plasmids tag-tutorials comments-open pings-open y2009 m12 d23 h03 slug-tutorial-working-with-generic-constructs 34hentry p10 post publish author-textco-biosoftware category-gene-construction-kit-tutorial tag-creating-illustrations tag-documenting-cloning-projects tag-figures-for-journal-submission tag-gene-construction-kit tag-gene-construction-kit-tutorials tag-presentations tag-tutorials comments-open pings-open y2009 m12 d23 h03 alt slug-tutorial-making-illustrations
Tutorial: Tour of a Gene Inspector Notebook
One of the central components of the Gene Inspector is the GI Notebook. The notebook is a file created by the Gene Inspector that serves as a place for you to take notes about experiments, design posters or slides for presentations, and as a receptacle for output from sequence analyses performed by Gene Inspector. This […]
Tutorial: Database Searching
GCK has the ability to let you search criteria once and then search multiple databases on the web for matches. It eliminates the need for you to reformat your query for each web site.
Tutorial: Shotgun Cloning
There is often a need to fragment a piece of DNA with a restriction enzyme and then place each of those fragments into a vector. This process, called shotgun cloning, can be conducted automatically for you by GCK3.
Tutorial: PCR Analysis
We will use the PCR analysis code to amplify a promoter region of a Drosophila hsp70 gene.
Tutorial: Translating Across Introns
When importing genomic sequences, there is typically a need to deal with exons and introns in order to determine protein sequences. This can be done easily in GCK3. This tutorial illustrates how the process works.
Tutorial: Searching and Retrieving Sequence Files from GenBank
The following steps will demonstrate how to search and retrieve sequences from GenBank and have them automatically imported into GCK.
Tutorial: Importing GenBank Sequencing Files Using Deluxe Importing
Through the Deluxe Import feature, Gene Construction Kit contains comprehensive features to allow GenBank searching and file retrieval over the Internet with importing directly into GCK. All GenBank features are converted one-to-one to GCK features using a conversion scheme you can customize. The following tutorial illustrates the basics of these features. Images alternate between Macintosh […]
Tutorial: Importing and Exporting Sequences and Other Information
One often obtains sequences in other formats and would like to work with them in GCK. This can be done by importing the sequences into GCK. Most other formats really are just plain text files with the sequence information organized in a specific format. Perhaps the most common of these formats is GenBank or GCG […]
Tutorial: Working with Generic Constructs
There are times, especially when you are just beginning to work with a piece of DNA, when you might know the restriction map of a cloned fragment of DNA but you might not yet know the sequence. Such generic constructs can be created in GCK and the segments manipulated just like any piece of DNA […]
Tutorial: Making Illustrations
In the previous tutorials you worked with one file type at a time – either a Construct window or a Gel window. However, when you are designing a cloning strategy it is often desirable to include many different constructs and gels in the same document along with descriptive text. This is the function of the […]