Tutorial: BLAST Searching from Gene Inspector

Gene Inspector allows you to perform a BLAST using the Internet. This analysis requires that you set up your internet connection parameters first, so that the program knows how to communicate with the database servers. If you do not have an internet connection, you will not be able to do this tutorial.

Note that different user locations might connect to the internet in different ways so that what follows might not work at your particular location (although it works at most sites). If you have problems connecting, please contact your network administrator for help. This is something that Textco cannot help you with because every site can have slightly different ways of connecting to the internet – and only the network administrator at your site will know the best way for you to connect.

  1. Now choose to do a new nucleic acid analysis and select BLAST Search as the analysis (note that this is at the end of the analysis list). You will see the BLAST setup panel, Figure 47. Enter parameters as shown in this figure.
    Figure 47: BLAST setup panel

  2. Click on the Input Sequences icon and choose the Drosophila 5S sequence (or one of your own if you prefer).
  3. Make sure you are connected to the Internet, either directly or through a modem. Press the Run button to send the query to the BLAST server. The query will be sent and GI will monitor for results at regular intervals.
  4. You will see notification of what GI is doing in the BLAST output object that appears in your GI notebook. When results are returned from the BLAST server, they will open in your web browser.
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