Tutorial: Mark AutoFeatures
1. Start GCK. 2. Open the file titled Common Features.gcf in the Tutorial Files folder by choosing File > Open… to bring up Figure 2.92. This is a new AutoFeature window. For now, just explore the various options in this window but leave the entries and formatting intact. Entries defined in the left-hand panel can […]
Tutorial: Copy & Paste Styles
1. Start GCK. 2. Open the file called construct#7 in the Tutorial Files folder by choosing File > Open… . 3. It should be displayed in graphic view, but if not select Construct > Display > Display Graphics . 4. Select the segment of DNA (red circle) that represents the ampicillin resistance gene by double-clicking […]
Tutorial: Find Sequence
1. Start GCK. 2. Open the file called pBR322 in the Tutorial Files folder by choosing File > Open… . 3. Choose Edit > Find > Find.. . to bring up Figure 2.91. 4. Enter the first few characters (or Copy and Paste) from the following nucleotide string into the Find window: ACTCTTCCTTTTTCAATATTATTGAAGCATTTATCAGGGTTATTGTCTCATGA GCGGATACATATTTGAATGTATTTAGAAAAATAAACAAATAGGGGTTCCGCG Note: […]
Tutorial: Go to Position
1. Start GCK. 2. Open the file called pBR322 in the Tutorial Files folder by choosing File > Open… 3. Switch to sequence display by choosing Construct > Display > Display Sequence 4. Choose Construct > Go to Position… . This will bring up Figure 2.89. 5. Enter the range of nucleotides as shown: “86-1276” […]
Tutorial: Database Searching
GCK has the ability to let you search criteria once and then search multiple databases on the web for matches. It eliminates the need for you to reformat your query for each web site.
Tutorial: Shotgun Cloning
There is often a need to fragment a piece of DNA with a restriction enzyme and then place each of those fragments into a vector. This process, called shotgun cloning, can be conducted automatically for you by GCK3.
Tutorial: PCR Analysis
We will use the PCR analysis code to amplify a promoter region of a Drosophila hsp70 gene.
Tutorial: Translating Across Introns
When importing genomic sequences, there is typically a need to deal with exons and introns in order to determine protein sequences. This can be done easily in GCK3. This tutorial illustrates how the process works.
Tutorial: Auto Annotation