Tutorial: Importing GenBank Sequencing Files Using Deluxe Importing
Through the Deluxe Import feature, Gene Construction Kit contains comprehensive features to allow GenBank searching and file retrieval over the Internet with importing directly into GCK. All GenBank features are converted one-to-one to GCK features using a conversion scheme you can customize. The following tutorial illustrates the basics of these features. Images alternate between Macintosh […]
Tutorial: Importing and Exporting Sequences and Other Information
One often obtains sequences in other formats and would like to work with them in GCK. This can be done by importing the sequences into GCK. Most other formats really are just plain text files with the sequence information organized in a specific format. Perhaps the most common of these formats is GenBank or GCG […]
Tutorial: Working with Generic Constructs
There are times, especially when you are just beginning to work with a piece of DNA, when you might know the restriction map of a cloned fragment of DNA but you might not yet know the sequence. Such generic constructs can be created in GCK and the segments manipulated just like any piece of DNA […]
Tutorial: Making Illustrations
In the previous tutorials you worked with one file type at a time – either a Construct window or a Gel window. However, when you are designing a cloning strategy it is often desirable to include many different constructs and gels in the same document along with descriptive text. This is the function of the […]
Tutorial: Running Gels and Orientation Analysis
Often in a cloning project there is a need to assay the success of each cloning step. Typically, this is done by gel electrophoresis. This tutorial will teach you how to run gels in GCK.
Tutorial: Finding Comments and File Searching
You have seen in previous tutorials how you can enter comments in association with site markers, segments of DNA, chronographic generations, and regions of interest. Given that you may have many generations in a construct, it might sometimes be difficult not only to remember where in a construct you have stored information, but in which […]
Tutorial: Chronography – Tracking Cloning History
One of the most useful features of GCK is called chronography . This feature allows you to keep track of construct history as well as to store different views of the same sequence in a single file. It is important to realize that although you will be seeing different graphics on screen, there is only […]
Tutorial: Cloning a DNA Segment and Silent Mutations
Our goal in this tutorial will be to take the construct we have been working with in previous tutorials and use it to receive a new segment of DNA. In doing this you will learn about copying and pasting segments of DNA and how to keep track of the history of your construct.
Tutorial: Searching and Retrieving Sequence Files from GenBank