Tutorial: Creating Your Own Analysis Tables
The Gene Inspector allows you to create a number of different kinds of tables for use in analyses. The Gene Inspector’s built-in table editor makes it easy.
Tutorial: Dot Matrix Analysis – Another Interactive Analysis
This tutorial will show you how to work with the dot matrix analysis interactive tool.
Tutorial: Testcode – An Interactive Analysis
The Gene Inspector is an interactive application. This means that you can perform almost any function at almost any time. It also means that you can interact with some output objects to alter their appearance, rerun an analysis or even continue the analytical process as described in this tutorial for Testcode, and in Tutorial 18: […]
Tutorial: Restriction Enzyme Digests
This tutorial will show you how to work with restriction enzyme digest.
Tutorial: Using Predefined Analysis Suites
This tutorial will teach you how to use predefined analysis suites in Gene Inspector.
Tutorial: Customizing and Saving Analysis Setup Suites
You can standardize parameters and set up to run suites of analyses repeated in Gene Inspector.
Tutorial: Appendices – Hiding Large Amounts of Data
Sometimes analyses produce a large amount of data that you might not want to keep displayed in the GI Notebook at all times. Yet, it would be nice to be able to keep the data and refer to it as needed. You can do this by creating an Appendix. Each appendix object resides in its […]
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Tutorial: BLAST Searching from Gene Inspector