product updates
Maintenance updates are provided free of charge to registered owners of Gene Construction Kit® and Gene Inspector®. We encourage all registered owners to keep their GCK 4.x or GI 2.x license up to date with these free downloads. You can see a full list of revisions made in every update release by looking at the version history.
Not registered yet? Register here. We will respect your privacy and not share your information.
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Be assured that all the information you are providing is for Textco BioSoftware's internal use only. We will not share this information. Registration will entitle you to free maintenance updates, new product announcements, and special discounts for upgrades and future products.

Product Registration
register nowtutorials
Included below are links to our online tutorials for both Gene Construction Kit® and Gene Inspector®. Our tutorials are designed to walk users through most of the commonly used features and functions of GCK and GI.
Tutorial chapters can also be found in the PDF version of each product manual, available for download here.
gene construction kit tutorials
- Working with Constructs
- Marking Sites
- Marking Open Reading Frames
- Viewing the Construct as a Sequence
- Modifying the Construct Appearance
- Cloning a DNA Segment and Silent Mutations
- Chronography - Tracking Cloning History
- Finding Comments and File Searching
- Running Gels and Orientation Analysis
- Making Illustrations
- Working With Generic Constructs
- Importing and Exporting Sequences and Other Information
- Importing GenBank Sequence Files Using Deluxe Importing
- Searching and Retrieving Sequence Files from GenBank
- Translating Across Introns
- PCR Analysis
- Shotgun Cloning
- Database Analysis
- Go to Position
- Find Sequence
- Mark AutoFeatures
- Copy and Paste Styles
- Export as GenBank
gene inspector tutorials
- Tour of a Gene Inspector Notebook
- Editing Sequences
- Using Analysis Setups
- Hotlinking Analysis Results
- Multiple Sequence Alignments
- Running Summary Analyses
- Aligning Analysis Objects
- Customizing Gene Inspector Menus
- Taking Notes & Using Background Text
- Creating and Using Style Sheets
- Adding More Analyses to a Setup
- Appendices - Hiding Large Amounts of Data
- Customizing and Saving Analysis Setup Suites
- Using Predefined Analysis Suites
- Restriction Enzyme Digests
- Displaying Formatted Sequence Information
- Testcode - An Interactive Analysis
- Dot Matrix Analysis - Another Interactive Analysis
- Using Bookmarks in the GI Notebook
- Creating Your Own Analysis Tables
- BLAST Searching
frequently asked questions
Included below are links to the most frequently asked questions for both Gene Construction Kit® and Gene Inspector®.

gene construction kit faq
click here
gene inspector faq
click here